Graco has issued a safety recall notice this morning. It is is second company to recall strollers in the past few weeks. Their website is very very slow today as I am sure every concerned parents are trying to find…
How to determine the AIX OS level and Maintenance Level.
IBM had renamed the term maintenance level (ML) to technology level (TL). Here is an excerpt from IBM, “Although some systems administrators still use the term “maintenance level” when discussing their AIX version, the term is now reserved for legacy…
How to list the type of fiber channel card and it’s WWN info in AIX
I needed to find out the type of fiber channel HBA cards installed in the Aix server. Here are the commands I used to find the information, Use the lsdev command to list the fiber channel cards (HBA) installed in…
How to create a ZFS filesystem on two striped disk drives
I ran out of space on my SAN drive on the Solaris 10 SPARC server. Since I had two spare disk drives sitting in the server that were not being used, I decided to create a single striped volume out…
Garmin Nuvi 760 gps got me lost in New York state – Part 1
I bought the Garmin 760 gps from my local Costco last summer. I used it on many trips across Ontario and it had always been very reliable. The GPS had been so accurate that I decided to throw away my…
Formula to find a woman
This joke was emailed to me :)